The Garden State;

The Garden State!

This space was once my haven, retreat where i pottered with my wards, where i planted tree’s for the childrens summer fruit requirement! Tropical bamboo’s acers and a lovely playhouse for the children to play outside in on hot days! The swirl of clay around the grass shows how our play turf responds to torrential rain and the clay it sits under! I spent this morning clearing the detritius from the tree’s!

Laurel berries and pears that were un reachable allong with the leaves shutting down for autumn which i brush as mulch under the tree’s to encourage the invertibrate; worms, slugs and snails to filter and make humous!

The playhouse and summer house are this afternoons project, a ton skip bag outside is holding all that i wish to throw out and looking at the toys outside after a rescue of loved toys the rest will be bagged for removal!

Lost under the grapevine is a house we rescued hedgehogs in, a breif investment in familial rodents who succumed to heat, and illness were short lived projects that were enjoyable for around five minutes!

The hot tub, replaced with a slide with a few things to sort, my pond for plants to be relined, currently housing our floats will be another project! A nice soft landing for the slide in the form of a blanket, cleared from the garden to allow me to brush the leaves from the lawn! One of the many projects i am planning after the kids ran through like a hurricane!

The pond is wonderfully clear just missing the fish that were ill over the last few years! I hope to have them replaced by the extensions to cover the losses! We have 8 comets that enjoy a wonderful raised pond! That are wonderful to watch on a sunny day! Although i do miss my Koi!

The decking, covered by a canopy is wonderful for an outside room, sitting out while it rains, enjoying the garden is paramount! Each space has its own perk, the pots seen better days i may pop to the market for some more to fill them!

Today i harvested grapes, my love of my garden as it provides all year round, blossom for the bee’s, fruit for the family and tree’s for shade! After a wash and drain the grapes will be set in the fridge to be snacks for the next few weeks!

The biggest bunches collected, i have lefts some for the children to pick and the rest will be left for the birds!

My ferns are my favourite and i have them in every pot, cuttings and spore generated miniatures are all potted on to enjoy free plants as they fill their pots with new frends uncurling as we speak!

Alot requires cutting back this winter, but my prime objective will be to clear the spaces and enjoy our successful rennovations, without the childrens extensions destructive imput!

Happy Horticulture!


Something to complete whils setting parliament from home! First responding to my crossover and enjoying raising the child of the husbands i loved!

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